In the blink of an eye…..UPDATE…

In full disclosure…I am now writing in July….I had started this blog post, then BAM…life interrupted….DAMMIT!  If you are bored…feel free to read on…


I took this on the way out of Jackson!!


Hello!!  Yup…it’s been a while.  For all of my 5 readers, I do apologize.  See…I needed some time. I needed to accept that I was not staying in Jackson Hole, WY forever…..YET!!!

It so seems like it was just yesterday that Chris and I pulled in 2 days early and stayed at the Fireside…in the CUTEST tiny house… And, now…I drove 2086 miles with my Maggie…and I am reunited with my Family Unit.

Ok, Ok, I know the saying goes that no one wants to hear about your kids or your fantasy football team.  BUT….I gotta tell you about what my youngest did because she knew how sad I was to leave.  It literally shifted my perspective to where it should be.  And, the child is 13!  I’m 48 and clearly not so bright!!


I mean…SERIOUSLY????  HOW TRUE??  So, I dropped her, Allison and Chris at the Jackson airport…drove home…cried my eyes out….put on my big girl panties on and cleaned the hell out of our Jackson house.  And from then on, I decided to smile.  Well…until sweet Deb came to say goodbye (Deb is the owner of  our house with her husband Todd)..when I lost it all over again.


The rest of the week was blur…as I packed…loaded the car..saw some AWESOME Atlanta friends….then hit the road.

But…we did have some fun before Chris and the girls left…



This is the infamous TODD!! (and Maggie doing a photo bomb!!)




So…after some fun, crying and  a LOT of soul searching…I finally decided that it was not OK to abandon my family.   (it was a tough decision!!)…Just kidding. (sort of)…so Maggie and I hit the road!!


Not impressed with day 1!



Day 2!!




Clearly, the rest of the drive was not as much fun.  Sweet Maggie did incredible…as usual!


And we made it back to the ATL!!!

Please notice how I did not say “home”…my HOME is Wyoming…my heart and soul are with the Tetons…But, I can do anything for my family.  But, make no mistake…I will be back!!  (Todd and Deb..I sure hope you’re ready!!)

I don’t like to end things like this…but, I feel I need to tell y’all….(you know…all 5 of my readers!)…we lost sweet Maggie 2 weeks after we were back in Atlanta. My sweet girl was diagnosed with a big heart tumor when we were in Jackson…but, she made it as long as she could.  We had the best time driving home together and I will cherish every single moment she gave me.  I miss her.  My heart breaks.  But I am comforted knowing she got to spend 6 months in her favorite place.

So, Cheers to my Magnolia May…rest in peace…rest pain free and run like the wind!  I love you!!


Stay Wild!


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